94 Emirati suspects referred to FSC for plot to seize power


Investigations by the Public Prosecution revealed that they did the following:

They launched, established and ran an organisation seeking to oppose the basic principles of the UAE system of governance and to seize power. The organisation took a foreign cover (shape) and announced its declared principles as being calling on society to observe the teaching and virtues of Islam, while their undeclared aims were, in fact, to seek to seize power and the state’s system of governance and to oppose the basic principles of this system. They planned this covertly in secret meetings which they convened in their houses and farms, as well as other places, seeking to hide the fact of these meetings, as well as what happened at them, from the authorities.
They built a secret organisational structure in which they distributed roles and tasks to achieve their real objectives, and, through this structure, they took actions whose initial aim was to turn public opinion against the government and the leadership of the State through the fabrication of untrue reasons derived from the actions taken by the government against them, in accordance with its duties under the law; they sought to disseminate these fabrications through the members of the organisation, the media and the social networking sites on the Internet, in order to turn nationals (UAE citizens) against their government and the leaders of the State as part of an ill-intentioned media plan which they drew up and carried out in service of their major goal.
The members of the organisation communicated with individuals and international and foreign entities and establishments based outside the State in order to distort the image of the State; they also provided these individuals, entities and establishments with inaccurate information in order to create international public opinion that would put pressure on the government and the leadership of the State, so as to weaken its status in terms of its foreign relations.
They also communicated with the international Muslim Brotherhood organisation and other similar organisations based outside the State, and asked them for help, expertise and financial support to serve their undeclared goal of seizing power. The actions taken by the organisational structure which they established have penetrated all sectors of the State and its organisations, such as societies, schools, universities, ministries and even families, while they have used some social work bodies as a front to conceal their actions, which are against the law, to recruit individuals, to enrol them in the organisation and to indoctrinate them in such a way as to take away their loyalty to their country, with the aim of seizing power by infiltrating these individuals into ruling and decision-making positions, or to divert their loyalty to the organisation and its leadership after preparing a general climate in society to accept this through turning public opinion against all the authorities of the State.
In order to increase the financial resources of the organisation, so as to ensure its continuity and provide funds for its activities, in pursuit of the main goal, they created a committee within the structure of the organisation, run by some of its members, to invest the funds raised from their subscriptions, alms money, Zakat and contributions in the establishment of commercial and real estate companies, the selling and buying of residential and industrial property and agricultural land and shares registered in their names, with the aim of hiding the same from the authorities of the State.

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