Bahrain drive to check Typhoid outbreak


The inspection campaign will target all sanitations and water sewerage facilities to prevent outbreak of 
the fever. Chief of the Diseases Control Section, Dr Muna Al Mussawi, told Khaleej Times that although the fever was treatable but the auhtorities sought to trace the sources of the outbreak as the patients come from different parts of the country.He said that all the 17 Bahraini patients were in stable condition and some were kept at the state-run Salmaniya Medical 
Complex (SMC).Inspectors from the Food Control Section at the ministry have collected samples of food consumed by the typhoid patients for testing. Dr. Al Mussawi said that they had formed a team, which was investigating the reasons for the outbreak this summer and followed their action plan to stop spreading the disease.“During summer every year, we receive Typhoid cases, but this time we have 17 cases in different parts of the island suffering from the fever. We have collected swaps from family members of the patients, who were in close contact, for testing at our laboratories,” she said. The doctor added 
they had stocks of Typhoid vaccinations and urged public to follow personal hygiene measures.

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