Bahrain opposition launch “Gangs of Darkness” Campaign to highlight the constant attacks on homes


In a press conference marking the launch of the Gangs of Darkness Campaign, Khalil Almarzooq, political aide to the Secretary General of Al Wefaq, said “The total amount stolen by regime forces during the national safety period exceeds $10 million, whilst the number of houses raided during June and July 2012 is as many as 270”.

He added, “We are talking about groups who can only be described as gangs of darkness for their official adoption of terrifying tactics to scare and intimidate the people. These crimes cannot have been perpetrated without an official will.”

 Almarzooq uncovered that through documentation over the past 2 months (June and July) the Al Wefaq documentation department found that 270 houses had been raided, robbed or vandalised within the timeframe.

 He added “If this is the number in 2 months, imagine how big it must be since the 15th March 2011 (start of martial law). The King of Bahrain is the one who is responsible for this number, which was read in front of him by Mr. Bassiouni. 270 homes were raided after the release of the BICI report and we ask, where is the role of the judiciary to stop these raids? The regime is still offering impunity to senior officials.

 Addressing the Crown Prince he said “270 houses have been violently raided in the country and their residents have been inhumanely abused. We have condemned all forms of violence from the opposition in all of our speeches, it is now your turn to condemn these unjustifiable raids during your Ramadan visits this evening.”

 “We ask all Islamic societies and figures, the TGONU, Al Asala, Al Menbar: do these raids march with Islamic ruling?” he asked.

 “We call on the UN Secretary General, all officials, all concerned parties worldwide to take note of what is happening in Bahrain. 270 houses raided in a period of less than two months should be condemned by the international community.”

 “$10 million have been stolen during such raids, including cash, electronic equipment, appliances and property.”

 “These violations are being perpetrated by those who are supposed to preserve law and order in the country. This situation has been the same for all 42 years of this age-old appointed government. This is the sham security being offered by the government, most of which is from one family. This is the security Khalifa Bin Salman’s government offers. This is absolutely unacceptable.” Almarzooq stressed.

Almarzooq also made clear that these raids are a product of systematic state terrorism. According to the documentation, those who raided homes are masked men, backed by police. Furthermore these masked armed civiliansm, supported by the police, are fixing police badges on their clothing. All documentation proves that police are directly involved in the raiding of homes.

 “In this matter we wholly encourage mutual opinions and are ready to cooperate for the sake of our homeland. There are rights that should be respected as was mentioned in the BICI report and of other international organisations. We are looking for all concerned people who want to defend the rights of the people of Bahrain and end their violations.”

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