Bahrain plans to give television and radio stations full freedom


The bill does not interfere in the administration affairs of TV or radio stations, except stressing on the recruitment of Bahrainis who are above the age of 30 and having journalism degrees and five years experience in the media sector as executive managers.

The broadcasting media draft law, which will be discussed by the Consultative Council (Shura) after the approval of the Parliament, aims to regulate the activities of public and private TV channels and radio stations based in Bahrain.

The government has prepared the draft law to keep pace with their policy of openness and to attract new electronic media to open branches or start their services in Bahrain. It was originally proposed by the Shura and the government drafted it in the form of law.

According to the bill, the licences for new TV and radio stations will be approved by the Cabinet, while registration will be completed by the Ministry of Information.

The frequencies and airwaves of TV and radio stations would be leased to networks and not sold to ensure that there are no violations. Unlicensed station would be banned.

The TV and radio stations cannot pass on their transmission rights to other companies or individuals unless approved by the Minister of Information. All TV and radio stations would have to obey copyright and intellectual properties laws and face fine and other punishments for violations.

Individuals and companies can be fined from BD10,000 to BD50,000 for unauthorised broadcasting of news, programmes or advertisements.

The bill categorises the broadcasting media as general TV and radio stations; specialised stations; and paid channels under the cable system.

When granted licenses, the broadcasting companies should start operations within one year. New companies would have to record their programmes for the first three months to check the quality of the services and the implementation of the regulations.

The networks will be asked to prepare their programme schedule.


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