Education crucial for democratic society: Qatari Minister


The forum aims at setting a strategy for the preparation of national qualification standards for education and technical and vocational training.

The forum was opened by the office’s director Dr Aziza Al Sa’di, where the audience provided local, regional and global examples in the professional fields including quality assurance procedures and plans to incorporate technical qualifications within the framework of national qualifications.

In a statement on this occasion, the Minister said, “Qatar is fully aware that the development of the education system is not only desirable but crucial to enable Qatar to achieve objectives of the transition to a more open and democratic society in light of a vibrant economy.”

“Through the vision and directives of the wise leadership, we have taken great steps to provide world-class and recognised university education for our students, and it is time to make a balance between modern education and a universally recognised training and technical development as part of the achievement of Qatar National Vision 2030, said the minister.

Meanwhile, the Policy Analysis and Research Office Director Dr Aziza Al Sa’di said, “According to the figures in 2008, more than 17,000 Qatari employees in the country do not hold high school diploma, which represents 25percent of country’s Qatari employees.”

She pointed out that the Ministry of Labour have registered in the beginning of 2010 nearly 3,000 Qataris looking for work, who are holders of secondary school certificates or below.

She noted that these facts should urge us to consider alternative options to accommodate this huge category of youth in Qatar and qualify them for jobs that represent a real need for the growth of the national economy.

Meanwhile, the Minister urged officials at the SCE to develop a strategic plan that contains three goals, including the development of national standards of professional and technical competence, work with the Higher Education Institute for the integration of technical and professional qualifications within the framework of national qualifications and the establishment of facilities dedicated to technical and vocational training that match the international standards.


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