GCC-US military exercise simulating air war


“We are addressing the full spectrum of air threats from enemy aircraft to weapons of mass destruction,” said Major (Pilot) Hamad Hadeed M Salem from the Qatar Emiri Air Force. “By addressing these types of threats during the exercise, we will be better able to handle them in a real world situation.”

The AOC is providing tactical and operational-level command and control for aerospace forces during Eagle Resolve 2009, which runs from late April to early May.

“The complexity and lethality of modern warfare dictate centralised and careful monitoring of military actions to ensure we efficiently manage those risks,” said Air Force Major Edith Correa-Perez, the chief of command and control systems for US Air Force Central Command.

Managing those risks is a team of 19 participants, which consists of 14 members from GCC countries and five members from the US.

“The main goal is to keep the GCC countries safe by communicating to identify and eliminate air threats in the Gulf region,” said Major Correa-Perez. “The communications within the AOC will allow for a quick and precise response.”

Even with everyone in the same room, communication isn’t always so simple.

“Not speaking the language would really slow down our response time but my counterparts are right here translating the information I need to know,” said Major Correa-Perez.

Major Correa-Perez is not the only one who sees the added benefits of the cooperative effort.

“The best part of working with the other GCC nations and the United States is learning how everyone operates,” said Major Mohammed H Ghaim from the Bahrain Air Force. “Now we can have a unified operation and share the responsibility of keeping the region safe.”



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