Hearing Appeal for Three Shiite Protesters, Initially Sentenced to Death by Saudi Court

They are in Riyadh to attend a secret hearing of the appeal to the sentenced against them in ninth of June 2014.
Based on forced confession and torture, they were charged with: (possession and use of arms against the security forces and to protect the demonstrations; possession and throw (molotov cocktail) on security’s vehicle; set a security vehicle on fire and driving/stealing its contents; robbery of a pharmacy and damage to its contents; organize and participate in the demonstrations; graffiti; participate in a Blackberry (Group) that concerned with demonstrations; attend Sheikh Nimr AlNimr’s speeches; harboring fugitives). Based on these charges, Ali Saeed AlRebh and Mohammed Faisal AlShiyouk were sentenced to death and Ali Ahmed AlRebh to 25-year in prison and travel bans for 25-year.
Recall that the Saudi government did not allow them to have a lawyer during the investigations, right to counsel, which have taken place already and led to forced confession and torture.
The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights has noted an exaggerated allegations and charges used by the public prosecutor against the detainees, where it was clarified further in the (Execution Claims) report which was issued on December 22, 2013. Such an exaggeration was done by the judiciary in order to reach maximum sentence, death sentence. Keep in mind that in Saudi Arabia such a penalty as death sentence has not been issued for such charges as in these cases.
Note that Saudi Court, and based on its sentences, it did not take into consideration the torture and forced confession is illegal. 
Therefore, such confessions cannot be legally valid to proceed, as it is described in Article 15 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which Saudi Arabia joined in 1997: (Each State Party shall ensure that any statement which is established to have been made as a result of torture shall not be invoked as evidence in any proceedings..).

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