* Mohammad Kamaali is an Iran analyst and a founding member of the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII) and currently serves on CASMII’s International Steering Committee. He is also a media commentator on Iran and the Middle East and has appeared on various outlets including BBC Television, BBC World Service, Aljazeera, France24, VOA, Sky News, Channel4, Fox News, Iran’s PressTV and the IRNN.
** Afshin Rattansi has for more than two decades worked in flagship broadcast and print media around the world. In the UK, he has worked at The Guardian, the New Statesman, for every regional and national outlet of the BBC and a host of award-winning Channel 4 production companies. In 1999, he helped to launch the developing world’s first global financial news and current affairs channel. He was one of the first english-language employees of Al Jazeera and worked at the Arab satellite station’s flagship programme, ‘Top Secret’ which uncovered the Al Qaida plot to attack Washington and New York in 2001. He has since worked for the UK’s top-rated breakfast television programme GMTV as well as CNN International. He was news editor for Bloomberg News and was based in Tehran for more than a year, helping to put its English-language TV service on the map. Afshin Rattansi has written six novels that have been represented by A. P. Watt and Curtis Brown Literary Agencies. His quartet, "The Dream of the Decade – The London Novels" is published by Booksurge in the United States of America.
*** Mustafa G. Abbas is a researcher at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. He has been active in the field of charity for the past three decades and has made frequent visit to many countries in relation to his work especially the Indian Subcontinent. He is a political analyst and often appears on TV screens for comments and analysis. He has followed the events in Iran since the Revolution and still takes close interest in its affairs. He has undertaken extensive research on Iran’s Nuclear Project.
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