Addressing the Shura Council, the Emir said: “We seek to strengthen Arab solidarity, promote the system of joint Arab action, concentrate on the interests of our Arab nation, and deal effectively with the political, economic and social challenges it faces to realise the people’s aspirations for security, stability and sustained development. Therefore, we will back every effort aimed at accomplishing a just, comprehensive and durable peace in the region, and resuming the peace process on the basis of resolutions of the international legality and the principle of land for peace.”
Addressing foreign policy issues, the Emir called for continued support to the GCC and Arab solidarity. The next GCC Summit is scheduled to be held here next month.
Sheikh Hamad said the international community should act “for lifting the unjust siege on the Palestinian people. On the other hand, we express our deep regret for what has happened between the Palestinian brothers and call on all parties – in realisation of the higher Palestinian interests – to resort to dialogue and abide by the execution of the Makkah Accord and respect the legitimate Palestinian institutions”, he said.
Iraq, the Emir hoped, would surpass its “painful ordeal” and called upon forces and sects there to leave aside their differences and uphold the principle of balanced and effective participation in the political process to preserve the rights and interests of the Iraqi people.
On Lebanon, the Emir said that constructive and purposeful dialogue and giving priority to the national interests “is the ideal way to solving the political crisis in this brotherly country. The Emir aslo expressed satisfaction with the commitment of the Republic of Sudan to cooperate with the international community for settling the conflict in Darfur region.