Tabled by Consultative Council (Shura) member and lawyer Rabab Al Orayed, the bill for the amendment of military panel code stressed the need for establishment of the court to be chaired by the head of military judiciary system. The appeals should be submitted by military public persecution or convicts.
“Challenging military verdicts would be similar to appealing verdicts of civil courts,” A Orayed said.
The bill covers also death penalty as those sentenced with such punishment could appeal within 60 days to the military cassation court.
“The bill aims to give equal rights to military and civilian suspects,” she explained.
Al Orayed said the military law considers the military court’s verdicts as unchallengeable and the bill would give better chances for suspects to reduce their sentences.
Military personnel are judged at military courts even for their civilian and criminal offences and crimes, but military courts are mainly specialised for military crimes.