Speaking to The Peninsula, Zhao Yan revealed that the decision was formally announced at a daily conference held yesterday, in which Chinese ambassador Yue Xiao Yong and top officials from Qatar were present.
"The Government of the State of Qatar has promised us that it will oppose any attempts made by the Taiwan authorities to join the UN under any name or by any mean. It also expressed its deep worry and concern over Taiwan authorities’ push for the ‘referendum on joining the UN’ or other activities of the like", Zhao Yan said.
According to him, Qatar informed Chinese Mission that the country believes that Taiwan’s efforts would jeopardise peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits as well as the Asia-Pacific region.
The Government of the State of Qatar also reiterated its commitment of One China policy. In the meeting Qatar made its stand clear on the issue saying’ there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’, Zhao Yan said.
Zhao Yan said that Chinese government’s solemn and reasonable stand for the One-China principle has gained the understanding and support of more and more countries and international organisations, and the One-China Principle has been gradually accepted by the international community at large.
He said that the One-China Principle is the foundations stone for the Chinese Government’s policy on Taiwan.