Qatar introduced one paragraph by which the council would "affirm its conviction that the establishment in the Middle East of a zone free from weapons of mass destruction and all missiles for their delivery would greatly enhance international peace and security." Indonesia also introduced a number of changes to the draft, mainly that the council would "recognize that a solution to the Iranian issue would contribute to global non-proliferation efforts and to realizing the objective of a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction, including their means of delivery." It also suggested adding words or segments to existing paragraphs such as the word "inalienable" right "s" of "all parties to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes with discrimination.
" It also wanted the council to recall the "unequivocal undertaking by the nuclear-weapons states to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenal, leading to nuclear disarmament, to which all States Parties are committed" under the Treaty.
It further suggested adding to another subparagraph "in good faith in order to reach a prompt and mutually acceptable outcome" and deleting the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps entities from the list of persons and entities on which sanctions will be imposed for their connection with Tehran’s nuclear programme, considering that a more compelling evidence should be included that elucidates the links with these entities.
Earlier this week, South Africa also introduced other amendments, already rejected by the co-sponsors, calling for a 90-day time-out and negotiations with Iran.
Both the original draft text and all the amendments will be negotiated later today in a council closed door session.
"Some amendments are workable and we can work on them. When amendments are consistent (with the draft), we look at them in a positive way," de la Sabliere said.
But when council members present "amendments that are not consistent," he noted, "we tell them the council adopted unanimously the framework in resolution 1737, and it is not going to change the framework." He expressed hope that the council will also act unanimously on this draft. "It has always been our wish to have a consensus," he said, adding that it is difficult to predict when the vote will take place. "My wish is to take place by the end of the week." A French diplomat said "Qatar would be more comfortable to vote on a resolution where there is consensus so they could join. But we would have difficulty with the Indonesian amendments." "We are still working on getting the maximum number of votes, but we’ll see that during the negotiations later today," he said.
The co-sponsors fear that if South Africa abstains, it would open the door to other abstentions by Indonesia and Qatar.