Saudi urges joint Arab strategy on Iran


‘In order to cement Arab reconciliation we need a common vision for issues that concern Arab security and deal with the Iranian challenge,’ including its nuclear drive, he said.

The relationship between Sunni-ruled Arab states in the Gulf, including oil kingpin Saudi Arabia, and Shia Iran has long been strained amid concern about Teheran’s nuclear programme.

At the UN General Assembly last year, the Saudi prince urged Iran to comply with its nuclear obligations to spare the Middle East ‘devastating conflicts, futile arms races and serious environmental hazards.’

The West fears Iran is secretly trying to build an atomic bomb but Teheran insists its nuclear drive is entirely peaceful and aimed at generating electricity for its growing population.

Foreign ministers of the 22-member Arab League are meeting at the group’s Cairo headquarters to discuss several issues including reconciliation moves by feuding Palestinian factions.

A decision expected on Wednesday by the International Criminal Court on whether to seek the arrest of Sudanese President Omar Al Beshir for alleged war crimes in Darfur is also expected to be discussed.

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