Service parity for GCC workers in Bahrain


The Shura heard that the approval was already delayed. The proposal, when it becomes a law, would benefit between 500 and 600 Bahrainis working in other GCC countries. The proposal which has been debated in all the GCC member states, has already been approved in Oman and Kuwait.

Qatar, said Al Halwachi, is on its way to approve the proposal. Bahrain becomes the latest GCC member to approve it. He was optimistic that the Chamber of Deputies will give its approval. They will debate on the proposal in a fortnight, he added.


The weekly session of the Shura Council yesterday approved the 2006 council audit report. Khaled Hussain Al Maskati, who heads the Finance and Economic Committee of the council, said that the 2006 budget showed a surplus of BD30,000.


This amount, he said, would be carried forward to the accounts of 2007. It would not be utilized in any of the projects for 2007 or 2008, he added. The budgets for 2007 and 2008 have already been proposed and passed by the council.


The 2006 accounts, said Maskati, were passed without much hitch. He said that the audited report for 2006 was found to comply with the rules and practices. In the absence of any glitches, it was decided to pass the report.


The surplus of 2006 would reflect in the audit report of 2007 and also 2008, he added.

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