Services for citizens supreme goal: King Hamad


Plans to meet citizens’ needs and the progress in the sustainable development efforts and national work were discussed.


King Hamad issued directives to promote national dialogue to unify stances and solidify the drive to achieve the supreme goal of serving the citizens in various fields.


He hailed the Press charter of honour achieved by Bahraini authors and journalists who pledged not to publish any material that could potentially harm national unity.


HM the King stressed the importance of verifying accuracy and credibility of published and circulated information.


He said the government respected religious scholars for their key role in maintaining national unity. Co-existence of all believers is a human demand which has been urged by all religious scholars from every rostrum. Division in some countries is incited by foreign hands which is rejected in the Gulf and Bahrain, King Hamad said, stressing the role of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs in bringing all religious scholars together for the sake of national unity and stability.


Shaikh Khalifa extended thanks and appreciation to King Hamad for support to the government in implementing state policies and programmes to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development. He asserted the government’s commitment to realise HM the King’s aspirations to protect national achievements, unity and solidarity as well as society.


The premier also affirmed the government’s ability, in cooperation with citizens, to push forward the national action march and achieve its goals drawn up by HM the King.


He stressed the need for joint efforts between the government and citizens to maintain security and social stability to achieve ambitions and expectations and as well as further development.
HM the King’s advisors for cultural, scientific and parliamentary affairs as well as national security chief were present.


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