According to Blair, the UAE has made a strong argument for hosting the IRENA in the developing world where there is the toughest challenge and the largest opportunity to reduce carbon emissions for the future.
In remarks during a recent visit to the UAE, Blair added that the UAE’s political and technical arguments are both overwhelmingly strong. "Locating IRENA in the developing world would send a powerful signal that all nations must participate in the transition to a sustainable future, and that we are committed to not leave developing nations behind." The UAE proposes to host the IRENA headquarters in Masdar City, the world’s only carbon-neutral, zero-waste city, completely powered by renewable energy. The Masdar City is set to be a new global hub for the intellectual and technological development of clean energy.
Austria, Denmark and Germany are in the race to host the headquarters of the 83-member organization established in January 2009. The vote is scheduled to take place at a meeting in Egypt during the last week of June.
The UAE’s green groundwork ahead of its IRENA bid – especially attempts to reduce the reliance on hydrocarbons and change consumer energy patterns by adopting clean technologies -came in for particular praise, remarked Blair adding that what is specifically commendable about the UAE efforts in nurturing the renewable energy industry is the unprecedented political will that has already manifested itself in the Masdar Initiative.
Together with its innovative building practices and new standards in sustainable living, the headquarters of IRENA in an international city like UAE that bridges both the developed and developing world could serve as a breakthrough in bringing renewable energy know-how and technology to the countries that most need it, sending a strong signal to the international community that this agency will make a real difference.