Yemen hails GCC countries’ stances, support to country


Al-Qirbi expressed gratitude during a meeting with GCC ambassadors in the Yemeni capital, and thanked on behalf of the Yemeni government humanitarian aid given by the GCC countries to Saada’s refugees.
During the meeting Al-Qirbi briefed the ambassadors on current developments in Saada, including result of his latest tour to several Arab countries.


The meeting also highlighted the preparations for the upcoming joint GCC foreign ministers’ meeting in Aden next year.


Meanwhile, Al-Qirbi along with Yemeni Health Minister Abdul-Kareem Rasi held similar talks with representatives of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) on issues relating to drought and food security in the country.


According to Yemeni News Agency (SABA) the discussion highlighted the country’s efforts to receive refugees and aid them during the armed conflict, including efforts to avoid civilian casualties in troubled areas.


Al-Qirbi also expressed gratitude for the support given by UN humanitarian organizations, noting on the positive outcome of the recent visit by UN Humanitarian Affairs John Holms.




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