Author Archives: GCC
Britain lobbied UN to whitewash Bahrain police abuses
Documents indicate UK and Saudi Arabia worked to water down human rights statement Britain has [...]
Mr. Obama, muster your courage, call out human rights abuses when you meet Gulf monarchs
Thursday, when he attends Gulf Co-operation Council in Saudi Arabia, will be the last time [...]
President Obama’s Last Opportunity With the Gulf
When President Obama visits Saudi Arabia this week, he should dwell on the contradictions which [...]
Saudi Arabia has paid for nearly a dozen Tory MPs to fly out and visit on ‘fact-finding missions’ this year
The MPs’ visits marks the intensification of lobbying by the petro-state The Saudi Arabian government [...]
Saudi Arabia and 9/11: Give the American people the truth, Mr. Obama
Over the last ten days, controversies have erupted over the Obama administration’s continued classification of [...]