Author Archives: GCC Media Team

Top 6 highlights not to miss at the Muslim International Film Festival

The UK Muslim Film charity has launched its inaugural Muslim International Film Festival (MIFF) in [...]

‘Palestine’ apparently removed from Saudi textbook maps, Israel-based thinktank report shows

The new Saudi curriculum seem to have removed the name of Palestine from school textbook maps. [...]

Saudi Shia cleric Munir Al-Khabbaz faces threats in Iraq over old controversial video

In a developing saga, Munir Al-Khabbaz, a Saudi Arabian Shia cleric residing in Iraq, faces [...]

Spain, Ireland, and Norway recognised a Palestinian state. What comes next?

While Europe remains deeply divided on Israel’s war on Gaza, as well as the Palestinian issue [...]

Hezbollah strikes Israeli coast cities as fighting on Lebanese front gradually intensifies and expands

Hezbollah carried out strikes on Israel’s coastal cities of Acre and al-Nahariyah on Sunday as fighting intensified and [...]

A Mouth Full of Salt: Unveiling truths and tragedies in Sudanese society

A Mouth Full of Salt is the debut novel by Sudanese public health physician and writer Reem [...]