Category Archives: All News

Iran unveils home-made vessel in Persian Gulf drill

Xinhua: Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) unveiled a native sonar-evading vessel dubbed Ya Mahdi [...]

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Britain will never be a champion of democracy while it sells arms to tyrants

A glance at the countries the UK's heavily subsidised weapon industry sells to – Russia, [...]

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Kuwaiti MPs want Iran expelled envoy over ‘spy cell’

AFP: Several Kuwaiti MPs yesterday blasted neighbouring Iran over an espionage cell allegedly busted by [...]

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Sunnis demand action against Maulana who wrote to Saudi govt

Expressing shock and anguish over cleric Maulana Salman Hussaini Nadvi's letter to the Saudi government [...]

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Kuwait finds mass grave for 55 Iraqi soldiers

AFP: Kuwait on Thursday announced the discovery of a mass grave for 55 Iraqi soldiers [...]

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How Arab leaders’ ‘loathing’ of Hamas has kept them quiet on Gaza war

Battling Palestinian militants in Gaza two years ago, Israel found itself pressed from all sides [...]

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