Category Archives: All News

Artificial intelligence and faith

The Annual Muslim-Christian confer- ence organised by the Islamic Unity Forum was held on Monday [...]

Can Baghdad disarm Iranian Kurdish parties in northern Iraq?

Despite consistent reassurances to Iran from the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) regarding [...]

UK Conservative Party Conference: Even a trade deal with Saudi can’t save Rishi

Manchester, England – With a characteristic grey canopy hanging over Manchester during the Conservative Party [...]

After Libya’s floods, Russia throws its weight behind Haftar

Following the catastrophic flooding in Libya in early September, which primarily affected the eastern regions [...]

Palestine: the open wound

Open Discussions     in association with      Gulf Cultural Club      invites you to a discussion titled: Palestine: [...]

CNN journalist apologises for repeating claim Hamas beheaded babies

A CNN journalist who reported live that the office of Benjamin Netanyahu could confirm that [...]