Category Archives: Archive

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Bahrain will release political prisoners ‘only if pressured by US and UK’

The most well-known political prisoner in Bahrain, Nabeel Rajab, has become legally eligible for release, [...]

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Dozens of Al-Qaeda suspects arrested in Saudi Arabia

AFP: Saudi Arabia said on Monday it has rounded up 28 more Al-Qaeda suspects after [...]

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Increase job prospects of disabled: Fakieh

Saudi Gazette: The physically challenged should be assimilated into society and their job prospects should [...]

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Violations of religious freedom continue in Bahrain

The Ministry of Municipalities is turning a land of the demolished Abu Thar mosque in [...]

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France bolsters military ties with Gulf

AFP: France concluded on Wednesday war games with Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, the [...]

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U.S., Saudi Arabia unwilling to challenge Egyptian army

An early diplomatic offensive by Egypt’s new Islamist president makes it harder for an army-led [...]

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