Category Archives: Lectures

Ramadan, the Quran and viability of divine scripture

*Dr LaithKubba (Director of the Quran Education Foundation) **Musharraf Hussain OBE (Scientist, educator and religious scholar) The [...]

Meditation, self-realisation and faith

*Mirza Abbas (academic, The Islamic College, London) **Ranjan Parmar (Spiritual researcher)  ***Dr Justine Huxley (from [...]

Iran and the West: Vicious cycle of distrust

*Stephen Bell (Stop the War coalition) **Dr Aly El Kabbany (writer and political analyst) ***Syed Mohsin Abbas (Broadcaster, [...]

Covid-19 and its impact on mental well-being

*Dr Ali Moafi (Counselling Psychologist) **Dr Ali Al Faraj (Consultant Psychiatrist) ***Gulamabbas Lakha (Researcher, Psychology [...]

Mary, Jesus and the miracle of Birth: Religion and the role of women in leadership

* Catherine Tuitt Change Agent, Charity, humanitarian and legal consultant ** Mary Hunter Researcher and [...]

Traditional architecture in the Muslim world: Preserving threatened cultural heritage

Professor  John Darlington Executive Director of World Monuments Fund Britain Taghlib AbdulHadi AlWaily Architect planner and [...]