Category Archives: Lectures

Jesus and the other: The art of engagement

*Lindsay Fulcher (Lay minister, Church of England) **Revd Nadim Nassar (Director, Awareness Foundation) ***Dr Laith [...]

Islam, modernity and gender issues

* Dr Mariam Al Rufay’ei (Academic)  **Sidra Naeem (Teacher)  *** Dr Amina Inloes (Academic and author) Tuesday 20th September Past [...]

Together but different: Multiculturalism, tolerance and free debate

* Dr  Jeremy Shearmur (Retired academic ** Dr Usama Hasan (research consultant) Dr S. Yaser [...]

Price hikes threaten millions around the globe: the world’s poor shoulder the pandemic costs

*Dr Mohamed Haidar (Economist, writer & commentator) **Dr Alaa Shehabi (Lecturer & researcher) ***Prof Rodney [...]

Ramadan, the Quran and viability of divine scripture

*Dr LaithKubba (Director of the Quran Education Foundation) **Musharraf Hussain OBE (Scientist, educator and religious scholar) The [...]

Meditation, self-realisation and faith

*Mirza Abbas (academic, The Islamic College, London) **Ranjan Parmar (Spiritual researcher)  ***Dr Justine Huxley (from [...]