Health treatment abroad file to prosecutor for irregularities: Kuwaiti MPs suggest


During a debate of the external medical treatment file, some lawmakers stressed that the cabinet bore part of the responsibility for the irregularities, reported by the audit bureau, clearing the way before Minister of Health Dr. Maasouma Mubarak and the department to address all aspects of the issue.

The legislators underlined significance of preserving public funds.

Other deputies criticised the department for the mechanism adopted in sending citizens abroad for medical treatment, accusing the government-run health treatment abroad department of financial irregularities and corruption.

They called on the government to abide by recommendations included in the audit bureau report.
The critical legislators lashed out at fellow members of parliament for meddling in the procedures of sending citizens abroad for treatment for electoral reasons.

They called on the ministry of health to be tough and not to bow to desire of these deputies.
Another team of deputies argued that funds used to finance treatment abroad could be used for construction of better hospitals and health centres in the country. They called on the government to give an opportunity for the private sector to set up new hospitals and grant the private sector the appropriate land plots for that purpose.

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