UAE-Unicef extension agreement on child jockeys


The agreement was signed on the UAE side by Major-General Saif Abdullah Al Shafaar and on the Unicef side by Dr Ayman Abu Laban, its Regional Director for the Arabian Gulf Region.

Al Shafaar said it was an extension of the previous agreement signed by the two sides for repatriation and rehabilitation of child camel jockeys.

Al Shafaar said that 1,975 child camel jockeys had been repatriated so far, including 573 from Pakistan, 318 from Bangladesh, 18 from Mauritania, 159 from Sudan and seven from Eritrea.

He added that the Unicef would provide technical support for re-integration of these children in their local communities.

“A complementary agreement will be signed next Wednesday with these countries with regard to the provision of health care and education to these children,” Al Shafaar disclosed.


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