We felt it was prudent to remind our citizens," said Steven Pike, spokesman for the US embassy in Abu Dhabi. "We have not changed the level because we looked at the assessment and felt it was still
The United States last updated its warden message in January to say the State Department was "concerned that extremists may be planning to carry out attacks against Westerners and oil workers on the Arabian Peninsula."
Britain warned nationals travelling to the UAE on Monday of a "high threat from terrorism", raising its alert for a country that is home to a large community of British expatriates. The British Embassy in Dubai declined to specify what had prompted the change.
Australia’s embassy website also said its alert was reviewed and reissued but the level, already at "high", was not raised. Several Gulf countries have faced attacks from Islamist militants angry over their close ties with the West, but there has been no major attack or political unrest in the UAE, a federation of seven emirates that includes the Gulf’s top tourism destination, Dubai. UAE officials did not immediately comment on the matter.