Activists to name Palestinians taking part in Dubai Expo

Originally posted to The Middle East Monitor website, 7 October 2021

A group of Palestinian anti-normalisation activists said yesterday that they will reveal the names of Palestinian businessmen and companies participating in the Dubai Expo 2020 alongside the Israeli pavilion.

Baraa Lafi, the campaign’s media coordinator, told Al-Quds Al-Arabi news site that the names will be published on social media platforms as part of the “Boycott the Zionists” campaign which will last for several days.

Lafi noted that their participation completely contradicts with the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s decision to boycott the fair.

This is the first event in which Israeli participants have been able to take part freely in the UAE and comes a little over a year after the Emirates signed a normalisation agreement with the occupation state of Israel. The move was condemned by Palestinians.

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