20 years after Saddam; Reflections on Iraq

Open Discussions  

in association with  

Gulf Cultural Club  

invites you to a discussion on:  

20 years after Saddam; Reflections on Iraq


*Sami Radmadani

(researcher, author and commentator)

**Carol Turner

(Life-long peace campaigner)

***Dr Saad Kindeel

(Former diplomat, Engineer)

Twenty years ago Iraq was targeted by an American-led military coalition, ending the era of the Ba’th Party and the rule of Saddam Hussain. It was one of most controversial military campaigns in modern times that had sown the seeds of a wave of terrorism not seen before. Today, Iraq is still paying a hefty price for that most destructive military campaign in terms of stability, social and political cohesion and a humbled regional political role. From the rubble of that terrible war emerged most unpleasant phenomena; instability, fragmentation, corruption and terrorism. Regionally, dictatorship became entrenched, paving the way to new fault lines, with Israel reaping the fruit as the regimes rushed to sign peace treaties with Tel Aviv.

Where is Iraq heading? What price democracy? And how significant has Iraq become to the Arab collective Action?

6.30pm Tuesday 7th March 2023

The meeting will be held (in person) at

45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP (off Edgware Road)

You can also participate on Zoom using this link 

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85680888416?pwd=THBPWHhCRkxEeWtMQWlJVHBycExOUT09Meeting ID: 856 8088 8416

Password: 000000

Or on Youtube on this link:  


Admission is Free.  

email: d05sa@yahoo.co.uk or text 07795 660 438  

*Sami Ramadani is a senior lecturer in sociology at London Metropolitan University. Sami was born in Iraq and became an exile from Saddam Hussein’s regime in 1969, as a result of his political activities in support of democracy and socialism. He opposed the sanctions imposed on the Iraqi people (1991-2003) and the invasion of Iraq (2003). He is active in the movement to end the US-led occupation. He is a member of the steering committee of Stop the War Coalition.

**Carol Turner is a long-time peace campaigner, a member of Stop the War Coalition’s National Officer Group, and author of Corbyn and Trident: Labour’s Continuing Controversy. Carol is co-chair of London Region CND. She is a directly elected member of CND’s National Council and part of the International Advisory Group. She is active in ideological and political debates and appears on TV shows, lectures and conferences.

***Dr Saad AW Jawad Kindeel was born in 1955 in Kerbela, Iraq. He is married with four children. After 2003 he became Ambassador of Iraq to several countries: Iran, South Africa, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Before that he had held several posts at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Baghdad. He was also a Member of Parliament. In UK he was senior lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire and The Technology Polytechnic. He worked at Lucas CAV) Ltd. He obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Brunel University and BSc from University of Newcastle.

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