Jesus of Palestine

Tuesday 19th December

How would Jesus deal with the current situation in Palestine? How can peace be promoted today?

Open Discussions    

in association with     

Gulf Cultural Club     

invites you to the annual Christmas seminar titled:

Jesus of Palestine: How he would have acted!


*Dr Mohammed Abdul Bari (former MCB Secretary General)

**Sister Catherine Tuitt MBE (Charity, humanitarian and legal consultant)

***Mary Hunter (Researcher and writer)

Christmas is a special time for many. It revolves around the birth of Jesus Christ. The nativity accounts in the New Testament gospels of Matthew and Luke do not mention a date or time of year for the birth of Jesus. Karl Rahner states that the authors of the gospels generally focused on theological elements rather than historical chronologies. This year’s festive season, however, is plagued by the events in Palestine which have caused enormous human and material destruction. It is worth pondering on the ways Jesus would have reacted to those events especially that they are happening in the vicinity of his birth place. A religious approach to the crisis is thus needed. It is hoped that the seminar will contribute to the promotion of justice and peace as it marks the festive season linked to Jesus and Mary (May peace be with them).

6.30 pm Tuesday 19th December 2023    

Venue: Abrar House, 45 Crawford Place, W1H 4LP    

The meeting will be held in person, followed by dinner    

You can also participate on Zoom using this link

Meeting ID: 856 8088 8416 Password: 000000     

Admission is Free. Please register for catering purposes – email:    

or text 07795 660 438    

*Muhammad Abdul Bari is an educationalist, civic activist and parenting consultant who has authored several books, including his own memoirs. He started his career as a Bangladesh Air Force officer in the late 1970s. After completing his PhD in Physics from King’s College London in 1986 he worked in the education sector including as a Behavioural Specialist teacher. He has had involvement with several large voluntary organisations e.g., being a board member of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic & Paralympic Games (London 2012) and secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain (2006-10).  He is an Hon Fellow of the QMUL and holds a Hon Doctorate of Education from the UEL.

**Catherine Tuitt, MBE is Change Agent, Charity, humanitarian and legal consultant in London. She grew up by migrant widow single mother on a London social housing estate. She attended a London church primary, secondary state school. After college she earned a law degree at university. She served as a Labour Councilor and worked at the Home Office in Westminster. She is a law advisor for barristers and the NHS. Cate is a passionate creative person who loves painting, Artwork and books. She is part of London artists and is anti-knife crime advocate. In addition to English she speaks Spanish and French.

***Mary Hunter completed her degree in theology from the University of St Andrews in 2020, having completed her dissertation on “Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan: Jihad, But Not in the Name of God.” Since then, she has been published regularly in The News International and Geo News, and also several times by think tanks like RUSI and CSCR. As well as being a research fellow at The Centre for Army Leadership and the London Institute of South Asia, Mary is currently undertaking her PhD on Islam under General Zia in Pakistan at the University of St Andrews.

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