The Reform Agenda; priorities and tactics

Open Discussions

in association with

Gulf Cultural Club

invites you to a seminar

To mark Imam Hussain’s historic reformist movement

The Reform Agenda; priorities and tactics


*Dr Laith Kubba

(Thinker, commentator)

Julian Bond

(Interfaith activist)

**Jawad Fairooz

(Former MP, human rights activist)

6.30pm (GMT), Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Venue: Abrar House, 45 Crawford Place, W1H 4LP

Reform is what noble people will undertake as the agenda of their lives. Societies aspire to march forward from their static position to achieve progress and development. When Prophet Mohammed departed this life he left behind a newly-formed entity that would expand beyond the borders of Arabia. In the following fifty years the state expanded outward but was susceptible to internal problems including corruption. In the year 60 AH Imam Hussain, Prophet Mohammed’s grandson declared his revolt against the Umayyad dynasty, raising the banner of Reform. He said: I have left (Mecca) seeking reform of my grandfather’s community (state). The ruler, Yazid sent his army to obliterate the household of Mohammed, slaughtering Hussain and 72 of his relatives and supporters. In this context the seminar will deliberate on the question: What price reform?

The meeting will be held in person, followed by dinner

You can also participate on Zoom using this link

Meeting ID: 856 8088 8416    Password: 000000

 Or on Youtube:

*Dr Laith Kubba is the Director of the Quran Education Foundation (QEF). He was formerly director of international relations at the Al-Khoei Foundation in London, a global charity and faith-based endowment, and founded the International Forum for Islamic Dialogue (IFID), a London-based network of open-minded Muslim activists and intellectuals. He regularly contributes to global media talks on democratization in the Middle East and North Africa, Islam and democracy, and politics in Iraq. Dr. Kubba holds a B.A. from the University of Baghdad, Iraq, and a Ph.D. from the University of Wales, UK. He was senior advisor to Iraqi Prime Minister and a spokesman for the Iraqi government. He was also a senior director for Middle East and North Africa programs at the National Endowment for Democracy.

**Julian Bond is Grants Team Leader at The Methodist Church. He was also Lead Editor/Writer at the Church. Julian is former Director at Christian Muslim Forum. He studied Theology at Aberystwyth University (1986). He went to Barry Comprehensive School (1981). Last year Julian embraced Islam but is still active within the Christian circles. He spent many years as an interfaith activist bringing people of different faiths together.

***Jawad Fairooz is former Bahraini MP (2006 to 2011), the chairman and founder of SALAM for Democracy and Human Rights based in London. He was an elected councillor and vice-chairman of the Northern Municipality Council from 2002 to 2006. He is a human rights defender and advocate of democratic change and reform. Jawad is currently a member of UNHCR Global Alliance to End Statelessness, Apatride Network, MENA Statelessness Network (HAWAITI), advisory board member of the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI), the EUROPEAN Network on Statelessness, and ALQST (Saudi Human Rights NGO). He holds a BSc degree from the University of Texas, USA, and a Diploma in Business Administration from Bahrain University.