The GCC members took practical steps towards collective implementation of the initiative, Buzubar told KUNA on the sidelines of a symposium hosted by the Strategic Research and Studies Center of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) here.
The two-day symposium focused on the initiative and the progress made by its signatories toward preventing the hazardous materials and WMD from falling into the hands of illegible parties, he noted.
The September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against the United States shed light on the efforts of the international community to prevent proliferation of WMD, the conferees asserted.
The attacks drew the attention of world decision makers to the possibility of terrorists’ resort to dirty bombs or WMD to attack large-scale targets, Buzubar quoted speakers at the symposium as saying.
Increasing public awareness against the dangers of such weapons led to the voluntary dismantlement of Libya’s nuclear program and the disbandment of the cell of Pakistan’s nuclear scientist Abdul-Qadir Khan, the Kuwaiti official added.
Launched in May, 2003, by U.S. President George W. Bush in Krakow, Poland, the initiative encourages world countries to adopt voluntary steps against spread of WMD in line with relevant international laws.