Kuwait top MP to represent Arabs in OIC reform panel


A relevant proposal was announced by Egyptian People’s Assembly Speaker Fathi Sorour, president of the just-concluded fifth union session.
Earlier Thursday, the conferees agreed to set up an ad hoc committee to lay down a plan of action for reforming the parliamentary union.


Once the suggestion is okayed by the concerned committee, the Kuwaiti top lawmaker will be nominated to be representative of the Arab group in the reform panel, Sorour said.


Meanwhile, Kuwaiti MP Adel al-Saraawi approved the final report of the reform panel which would seek to overhaul the parliamentary union’s statues, bylaws and mechanisms of action.


The two-day gathering wound up here earlier in the day with the issuance of the Cairo Declaration.


It will convene for its sixth session in Mali in 2010. The Kuwaiti delegation attending the conference was led by Kuwaiti National Assembly Speaker Jassem al-Kharafi.

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