UAE renews call for peaceful settlement of islands’ issue





The UAE call was made on Tuesday by Dr Anwar Mohammed Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, while addressing the 15th meeting of foreign ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement (Nam).



Enhancement of Nam’s capacity to stand up to international challenges requires true commitment to the principles it was founded for mainly those dealing with respect for sovereignty of states and self-determination of peoples, non-interference into other states’ affairs and settlement of disputes and cases of foreign occupation through peaceful means, Dr Gargash said.



The UAE minister demanded the international community to take necessary measures as per the international law to establish a zone free of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) including a nuclear free zone in the Middle East and Gulf.



He also called on the world community to put pressure on Israel so as to accede to the nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) and place its nuclear facilities under the surveillance of the International Atomic Energy Agency in compliance with UN relevant resolutions.



The UAE, while condemning the aggression and crimes of war being committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in the occupied lands, reaffirms the key role the UN and mainly the Security Council can play to force Israel halt its crimes against the Palestinian people, end its occupation and stop expropriation of lands for building more settlements and the separation wall which violates international legitimacy resolutions, he added.



He stressed that efforts should be doubled to spur the world community including the UN Security Council, major world powers and parties to the conflict to revive peace negotiations on the basis of the land for peace formula and the Middle East peace road map.



On Iraq, the UAE minister urged the international community and Iraq’s neighbours to give political support required to assist its government forge ahead with political process and boost its drive towards national reconciliation and accord with participation of all political spheres in this process and in efforts to fight terrorism, maintain security and achieve political independence.



Out of its commitment to support Iraq, the UAE has waived $ 4 billion in Iraq debts along with interest and arrears. We have also opened an embassy in Baghdad and named a resident ambassador there, he said.



Turning to Iran’s nuclear file, Gargash said there is a need to handle this issue through dialogue and diplomatic negotiations and commitment to international relevant resolutions to ensure transparency in maintaining security and stability, safety of the environment and sustainable development in the region.



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