FNC Speaker questions Nato ineptitude to curb Israeli occupation of Arab lands


Al Ghurair, who was speaking at a Forum organised by the Mediterranean and Middle East Special Group of Nato and the Ministry of State for Federal National Council Affairs, said that the lack of security and instability in the region has direct effects on international affairs.

“How is it that the international powers and legitimate international institutions are until today unable to implement UN resolutions 242 and 338 that call for the withdrawal of Israel from all Arab lands occupied since 1967? What is the fate of the reports and decisions issued by the UN and various international organisations regarding putting an end to Israeli settlements? How is it that Nato, organisation of the great world powers, is unable to stop horrific and humiliating Israeli crimes against humanity?,” said Al Ghurair in a key note speech addressing Nato delegates, FNC members, ambassadors, and international affairs experts who gathered in the capital on Tuesday.

Al Ghurair also expressed concerns regarding an upcoming arms race in the region, and argued that Israeli nuclear weapons should be treated by the international community in the same way that they would treat the nuclear weapons of any other country in the region.

In a presentation on the regional challenges facing the UAE, Dr Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Federal National Council Affairs, said that the country would continue to play an active role to ensure the stability of the 
region, and to extend support to troubled countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Speaking on Iran, Dr Gargash said that although the UAE and Iran have developed a ‘mature’ relationship that allows for cooperation along common goals and interests, the UAE still has major concerns. These concerns are Iran’s occupation of three Emarati islands and the Iranian nuclear programme.

Dr Gargash also stated that the UAE will continue to work with the international community to tackle terrorism, urging the international community to adopt a multifaceted approach that also incorporates the voices of marginalised communities around the world for the elimination of the menace.

Jose Lello, president of Nato parliamentary assembly, also addressed the conference.


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