Religious and moral duty to Stop the Yemen War

Open Discussions

in association with

Gulf Cultural Club


invites you to a Discussion titled:


After four years of material and human carnage

Religious and moral duty to

 Stop the Yemen War



*Ahmad Al Mo’ayyad (A Yemeni negotiator in Stockholm)

** Marigold Bentley (activist with Quakers)

***Murad Qureshi (National Chair of Stop the War Coalition)


The War on Yemen that had been launched by a Saudi-led alliance on 26thMarch 2015 has become a living testimony to vicious cruelty, destructive psychology and moral indifference. It has become an embarrassment to the international community which feels unable to influence decisions of war and peace as new political alliances in the world jostle for power and influence. Last month the World Health Organisation (WHO) said that the humanitarian crisis in Yemen is the worst in the world, as UNICEF warned of catastrophic consequences to children in the war-stricken country. It is now widely felt that after four years of destruction the war must be brought to an abrupt end.


 6.30pm, Wednesday, 27th March 2019

Venue: Abrar House, 45 Crawford Place, W1H 4LP


* Ahmed Al-Moayyad is a political analyst and commentator, and an activist with Sheba for Democracy and Human Rights. Over the past four years he has campaigned for the war on Yemen to stop. He appeared on many TV shows and debates. Ahmed has also participated in the negotiations to end the war, most recently in Stockholm last December.


** Marigold Bentley is a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and has worked on behalf of Quakers nationally and internationally for over 30 years.  Her work has included service work in the Occupied Territories and Egypt during the 1980’s, and at the Quaker United Office in New York.  During the 1990’s she worked in peace education, particularly in Northern Ireland and the former Yugoslavia.  She currently Head of Peace Programmes and Faith Relations for Quakers in Britain. She is a member of the Rethinking Security Group.


*** Murad Qureshi is a British Labour and Co-operative Party politician, and former Member of the London Assembly. He is the current chair of the Stop the War Coalition. Qureshi was born in Greater Manchester, but he was brought up in Westminster. He has a degree in Development Studies from the University of East Anglia and MSc in Environmental Economics from UCL. He had worked in Housing and Regeneration for 15 years, helping establish housing associations and co-ops in the East End. He was an Executive Committee member of SERA from 1994 to 2000[6] and a former board member of BRAC U.K, an international NGO seeking to alleviate poverty and empower the poor.


Admission is Free. Please register for catering purposes – email: or text 07795 660 438



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