Ceasefire, diplomacy needed to end Libyan crisis: UAE official

Originally posted to the Reuters website, 19 May 2020

CAIRO (Reuters) – The United Arab Emirates believes the only acceptable path forward in the Libyan crisis involves “an immediate, comprehensive ceasefire and a return to the political process”, the UAE’s minister of state for foreign affairs said on Tuesday.

“The UAE’s position on the Libyan crisis has been firm and clear & shared by the majority of the international community,” Anwar Gargash said on Twitter.

The UAE and Egypt back the forces of Khalifa Haftar, based in eastern Libya, which are trying to take the capital Tripoli. Turkey, which backs Libya’s internationally recognised government in Tripoli, has accused the UAE of bringing chaos to the region through its interventions in Libya and Yemen.

Link to the original post : https://www.reuters.com/article/us-libya-security-emirates/ceasefire-diplomacy-needed-to-end-libyan-crisis-uae-official-idUSKBN22V2LP

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