Denmark summons Saudi envoy over funding anti-Iran terror group

Originally posted to the Middle East Monitor website, 11 June 2020,

The Saudi ambassador to Denmark has been summoned to the Foreign Ministry over allegations Riyadh offered support for a terrorist group which was behind the deadly 2018 attack in the Iranian city of Ahvaz, provincial capital of the Arab-majority Khuzestan province.

According to PressTV, the envoy was summoned yesterday after terrorism charges were filed against three members of the separatist group Al-Ahvaziya, which is considered by Tehran as a terrorist group.

In February this year it was reported that Danish police had arrested three members of the group for supporting the 2018 attack, which included charges of spying for the Saudi Arabian intelligence service.

In September 2018, the Saudi-backed terror outfit claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on a military parade in Ahvaz, Khuzestan’s provincial capital. The assault killed 25 people, including members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and civilian bystanders, and injured 70 others. Saudi Arabia had denied that it had provided financial support to the attackers.

It was also later revealed that Iranian intelligence had been accused of planning a foiled assassination attempt on three members of the separatist group in Denmark in the same month, though the Iranian foreign ministry denied the allegations.

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