Saudi father arrested for beating daughter, posting video online

Originally posted to the Middle East Monitor website, October 8th, 2020.

Saudi authorities yesterday arrested a father after footage of him beating his young daughter circulated on social media.

The father, in his 40s, shackled his daughter in their home and filmed the beating before publishing the video online, according to spokesman for the police force in the vicinity of Makkah, Major Mohammed Al-Ghamidi.

In the video, which is 2 minutes and 19 seconds long and which could not be shown due to its content, the girl can be seen laying on the floor on her stomach while a ladder is placed on top of her. Her father then shackles and secures her to the ladder before whipping her. She can be heard crying and begging him to stop.

The father’s identity was discovered by the authorities, Al-Ghamidi said, leading to his arrest and referral to the kingdom’s Public Prosecution.

Although the crime is not yet confirmed to be an incident of gender-based violence, it comes at a time when the abuse of female relatives or partners is being increasingly scrutinised in recent months. In July, protests erupted in neighbouring Jordan after a father killed his daughter in an apparent “honour killing”.

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