Kuwait to pardon 600 prisoners

Originally posted to the Middle East Monitor website, 11 January 2021

Kuwait’s Emir pardoned 600 prisoners, local security sources reported yesterday.

The sources told Al-Qabas that 120 of those pardoned would be released in “early February”, adding that the rest would see a “penalty reduction or fine exemption”. None of those receiving a pardon are being held on state security charges, the sources added.

Those affected were chosen by the “head of the Supreme Committee for Emiri Pardon at the Kuwaiti Ministry of the Interior, in cooperation with other relevant authorities.”

They added that the amnesty would not include those convicted in the so-called “Interior Hospitality” case, which is said to be related to financial corruption within the interior ministry and is one of the most controversial cases in the Gulf state’s history.

Link to the original post: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20210111-kuwait-to-pardon-600-prisoners/

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