Bahrain presented the best example of the peaceful revolution

 He asked the government to execute peoples’ claims before the gap in between its people and the state institutions increased, warning that if further dissensions were to take place it would set the country alight with no room for dialogue left anymore.

Mr. Jumblatt said that the democratic constitutional kingdom was the best solution in Bahrain provided that it ensured the rights of both religious sects, the Shia and the Sunni and allows people to live in harmony side by side without prejudice or segregation.

 In his timeline in twitter, Mr. Jumblatt  said:" Bahrain settlement holds the key of a peaceful transition in the entire Gulf region, hence, an effective action must be done by which all the parties which will satisfy the securement of peace."

He also condemned the mass media for neglecting the Bahraini revolution as if nothing had happened while exaggerating the situation in other countries, which could be considered unjust and biased. He also accused Al Jazeera TV channel and Al Arabiya of serving the interesting of Zionists by promoting a vision of the world according to their standards.

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