Bahraini protesters took to the streets in several areas on Thursday, despite the regime’s ongoing brutal crackdown.
Regime forces once again clashed with protesters, firing tear gas and birdshots to disperse the people who were calling for the downfall of the regime.
On Wednesday, Bahraini forces injured a female human rights activist, Zainab al-Khawaja, after shooting her in the leg with a tear gas canister. The daughter of prominent activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, was targeted during an anti-government protest in the village of Buri, southwest of Manama.
The Persian Gulf kingdom has been the scene of almost daily protests since the beginning of the popular anti-regime revolution in February 2011.
Scores of people have either lost their lives or sustained injuries during the regime-led attacks on the protesters. Thousands of people have also been arrested or expelled from their jobs.
The demonstrators hold King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa responsible for the deaths and arrests of protesters.