Al-Salal also said he regretted that while nearly all Middle East countries have signed the nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the safeguards agreement, Israel is still reluctant to sign the NPT. By possessing nuclear reactors, Israel poses a threat to the entire region, thus blocking efforts to create a nuclearfree Middle East, he said. In this context, he cautioned against Israeli recalcitrance that negatively effects regional security and stability. But he welcomed a call for holding an international conference late this year on establishing a nuclear-free Middle East. Al-Salal said his country considers the IAEA safeguards system an effective tool for preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons worldwide. On Iran’s nuclear program, the Kuwaiti ambassador said his country supports the right of all countries to have nuclear weapons for peaceful purposes, but he urged Tehran to boost its cooperation with the IAEA and to respond to questions regarding its nuclear program. He also reiterated Kuwait’s support to establish a nuclear fuel bank under IAEA oversight, saying his country donated $10 million for the fuel bank last year. However, he stressed the necessity of providing safeguards and fulfilling security and safety requirements in order to head off nuclear incidents.