Meanwhile, the criminal court yesterday released three former opposition lawmakers on KD 5,000 bail each after accusing them of undermining the status of the Amir at a public rally two weeks ago. The court also set Nov 13 for the next hearing. Falah Al-Sawwagh, Khaled Al-Tahous and Bader Al-Dahoum were arrested last Thursday after making remarks at a public rally deemed offensive to the Amir and were detained at the Central Jail. They were brought to the courtroom handcuffed and blindfolded, their heads shaven and dressed in dark brown prison uniforms. They were brought under heavy security measures with armed members of elite special forces who entered the courtroom. But the judge immediately ordered them to vacate the court before he began the session.
Sawwagh, Tahous and Dahoum categorically denied that they undermined the status of the Amir, insisting that they acted within the framework of the law in sending advice to the regime and the government. The three politicians had warned at the public rally against amending the controversial electoral constituency law, saying it could lead to street protests and demonstrations. Former MPs and activists strongly criticized the interior ministry’s “humiliating” measures against the three opposition figures, warning that the interior minister will not escape their measures.
The public prosecution meanwhile freed four youth opposition activists on KD 1,000 bail pending further investigations. The men, including the son of former National Assembly speaker Ahmad Al-Saadoun, AbdulAziz, were arrested on Oct 15 after protesters clashed with police following a rally. The clash resulted in the arrest of the four activists and at least four others were hurt. The interior ministry on Monday also released without bail around 70 protesters arrested following clashes with police during the biggest demonstration in Kuwait so far on Sunday.