Bay Bahraini back on terror list


Abdulla Al Nuaimi was one of six Bahrainis to be imprisoned at the notorious prison facility, allegedly after he travelled to Afghanistan in September 2001 to fight alongside the Taliban.

He was rele-ased in November 2005, but has been held in a Saudi jail since being arrested on the King Fahad Causeway last October.

The Pentagon report, issued on Tuesday, lists Mr Al Nuaimi as one of 27 former detainees "confirmed" to have engaged in terrorist activity since their release.

It states 47 other former detainees are suspected of being involved in terrorism – suggesting up to 14 per cent of ex-inmates had used their freedom to "re-engage in terrorist activities".

Mr Al Nuai-mi’s family yesterday claimed the allegation was baseless, but the US Defence Inte-lligence Agency alleged he was "involved in terrorist facilitation" and "has known associations with Al Qaeda".

The new report claims to have "a preponderance of evidence – fingerprints, DNA, conclusive photographic match or reliable, verified or well-corroborated intelligence" to prove Mr Al Nuaimi and 26 other former detainees were involved in terrorist activity after their release.

It claims this is based on a "comprehensive review of available information as of mid-March 2009".

However, Mr Al Nuami’s mother Mariam yesterday insisted her son was innocent and said the family was still hoping for his imminent release.

"This is completely untrue," she told the GDN.

"We have not heard anything about these accusations.

"As far as we are concerned, we are awaiting his release by the Saudi Arabian authorities as soon as possible."

Meanwhile, Bahraini MP Mohammed Khalid – a fierce campaigner on behalf of Bahrainis impri-soned abroad – reacted angrily to the news. He accused former US president George W Bush of being the real cause of terrorism in the region.

"Bush is the real terrorist, the reason behind terrorism," he said.

"What has happened all stems from the way he has handled Arab and Islamic iss-ues.

"These inmates are far away from any terrorist organisations like Al Qaeda and even the American forces in Bahrain have confirmed that they (the six Bahrainis previously held at Guantanamo Bay) were only distributing aid (to needy people in Afghanistan) before they were arrested.

"The real blameworthy party here is the government.

"The only GCC government that has handled their (former) inmates properly is Saudi Arabia, who put their people in luxury villas while they rehabilitated them."

Mr Khalid said he wished the Bahrain government had put its former detainees in special programmes to integrate them into the community and help them restart their lives.

"Gulf governments – especially Bahrain – are all to blame for not giving young Bahrainis the rights they deserve," he claimed.

"They should have rehabilitated their young and provided them with jobs, helped them get married and provided them with their civil rig-hts.

"I have spoken to the Interior Min-istry and I’ve told them that they should be doing this for all of them – none of them were given proper jobs or rehabilitation."

Mr Khalid revealed that he had been in sporadic contact with Mr Al Nuaimi and his father, Majid, during his imprisonment in Saudi Arabia.

He also claimed that he firmly believed Mr Al Nuaimi did not pose any terrorist threat.

"I’ve spoken to both of them and they’ve told me that he’s married and has two children now," he said.

"He’s trying to improve himself by taking long-distance educational courses and I don’t believe he is any longer a terrorist – he’s settling down."

Al Adala (Justice) National Movement Society secretary-general and Bahraini lawyer, Abdulla Hashim, claimed Mr Al Nuaimi was just a normal person living a normal life.

"Nothing has changed since his release from Guantanamo Bay," he said.

"He has done nothing strange since his release and he is a normal person.

"We don’t have any information about Mr Al Nuaimi or any of these new charges or legal procedures to do with him.

"We cannot do anything with Saudi Arabia about bringing him over to Bahrain as they refuse to discuss anything to do with people detained in their prisons."

More than 530 former detainees have been transferred from Guantanamo Bay to their home countries.

Mr Al Nuaimi was released in November 2005 alongside fellow Bahrainis Adel Kamel Hajee and Shaikh Salman bin Ibrahim Al Khalifa.

Salah Al Blooshi was released in October 2006, Juma Al Dossary – who allegedly attempted suicide at least 13 times during his incarceration – was released in July 2007 and Isa Al Murbati, the last to return home, was freed later the same year.


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