Doha to host new round of Darfur talks in September


This was declared on Tripoli (Libya) on Tuesday following a two-days meeting aimed at settling differences between Darfur rebel factions to pave a way negotiation with Khartoum on a common ground paper and one delegation.

The meeting was attended by H E Ahmed bin Abdullah Al Mahmoud, Qatar’s Foreign Minister, The Sudanese Presidential Adviser, Ghazi Salah Al-Deen, who is in charge with Darfur dossier, Dijibril Bassole, United Nations (UN) – African Union (AU) Joint Chief Mediator, representatives of Libyan and Egyptian governments.

Since last February, Darfur joint mediation and the Qatari government which hosts the process organized two rounds of talks between the Sudanese government and the rebel JEM.

On February 17, Sudan and JEM signed a goodwill agreement in order to build confidence between the two parties prior to the peace talks. However, Darfur rebels accused Khartoum of not implementing the signed agreement particularly the release of Prisoners of War (POWs) and the improvement of humanitarian situation.

In May, the mediation attempted to bridge the differences between the two sides but JEM reiterated it would not resume talks without the implementation of the two issues.

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