GCC states strongly condemn Israel’s desecration’ of holy mosque


GCC Secretary General Abdel Rahman Al-Attiah called, in a statement, on the international community, the United Nations Security Council and the Quartet to take immediate measures "to stop the provocative and dangerous Israeli acts of desecration against the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque."

The chief of the six-state council condemned "the blatant Israeli schemes and acts namely the bursting into the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque." Al-Attiah stressed on necessity of halting the provocative acts by radical Israelis against the mosque, affirming such actions constituted a blow to the renewed efforts by the international community, designed to establish peace in the region.

The secretary general of the GCC held the Israeli Government fully responsible for the flagrant breach of the international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention, calling for an instant halt of such aggressive practices.

GCC states and people will stand alongside the Palestinian people until they attain their legitimate rights and establish an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, in line with the resolutions of the international legitimacy, he said.

Scores of Palestinians were wounded on Sunday in clashes at the mosque site that also involved Israeli police and hardline Jewish settlers.

The mosque is sacred to millions of Muslims throughout the world.

The GCC, founded in the early 80s, comprises Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar. Yemen is represented in some affiliate sub-committees.


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