Interpellation of Kuwait’s prime minister in agenda of Dec. 8 session: speaker


The speaker said in a statement, "I have received the interpellation motion and notified His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser that it will be included in the agenda of the assembly session due on December 8." Earlier today, Dr. Al-Mislem presented the Secretariat General of the National Assembly with the motion for interpellating HH Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, in the latter’s capacity as the head of the government, in line with Article 100 of the National Constitution.


The provision says that any member of the parliament is entitled to address questions to the prime minister and the ministers regarding issues falling within their jurisdictions.


Interpellation session should be held eight days after the presentation of the grilling motion, in non-emergency cases and with consent of the relevant minister.


Dr. Al-Mislem’s motion addresses two topics; expenses of the bureau of HH the prime minister and cheques bearing Sheikh Nasser’s name to MPs.

— Meanwhile, Minister of Communications and Minister of State for National Assembly Affairs Dr. Mohammad Al-Busairi declared that the government "is ready to deal with any interpellation according to the Constitution and the law." He said in remarks at the parliament building that the government is ready to deal with the interpellation of the prime minister according to the Constitution and the laws.
This cabinet stand has been made public in the past, he affirmed.


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