Kuwaiti Emir reappoints Nasser Al Sabah as Premier


The cabinet resigned in March after lawmakers sought to question Sheikh Nasser, a key ruling family figure.

The emir later dissolved parliament and new parliamentary elections were held on Saturday.

Renewed tensions between parliament and government could block ratification of key legislation, including a $ 5bn economic stimulus package adopted by the government after the legislature was dissolved. The measure had faced parliamentary resistance.

Sheikh Nasser will nominate the members of his new cabinet, but the emir, who has final say in the OPEC oil exporter’s politics, appoints ministers.

Cabinet changes usually do not affect the oil policies of OPEC-member Kuwait, the world’s fourth-largest oil exporter, which are set by a state council.

The prime minister has always been a member of the ruling Sabah family, which traditionally holds the key portfolios of defence, interior and foreign affairs.

State-run Kuwait News Agency, which reported the appointment decree, did not say when the new cabinet would be formed, but parliament convenes on May 31, which represents a virtual deadline for the announcement of the new lineup.

The new cabinet will be the sixth headed by the 69-year-old Sheikh Nasser since 2006.

Sunni Islamists, some of whom had pushed for the questioning of Sheikh Nasser, have lost half their seats in the poll on Saturday, mainly to Shi’ite Muslim and liberal candidates. Women won four seats, a first in the Gulf state’s history.


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