The gift to the Children’s National Medical Centre is to be made over five years and could have a dramatic effect on the entire field of paediatric surgery, said Edwin Zechman Jr, president and chief executive of the medical centre.
“Paediatric surgery could look 100% different in five to 10 years,” he said.
According to the paper, doctors at what is to be called the Sheikh Zayed Institute for Paediatric Surgical Innovation are to collaborate across disciplines to improve surgery for children.
Among the innovations they are to focus on are using genetic research to personalise surgeries and pain management, bringing imaging technology directly into the operating room to guide procedures with greater precision, and using nanoparticles to target tumors.
“What really impressed us about Children’s was their vision of a significant leap forward and rethinking paediatric care,” said Yousef al-Otaiba, the UAE ambassador to the US.